The 10 Days of Yoga in August attracted a medley of international participants who enjoyed reflecting on their shared experience.
Grace Gosine took classes in Trinidad for six years with Yasodhara Yoga teacher, Bhavani, and realized that she wanted to accelerate her understanding. She was touched by the 10 Days of Yoga and said, “The presence of people from other nationalities added to the diversity of ideas and answers that we generated. We were very interested in what each other had to say.”
Grace’s son, Varij, joined her from Waterloo where he studies physics. “I found it easy to fit in,” he said. “I always wanted to understand yoga properly. I’m happy with the understanding I gained and how I plan to further it. I also enjoyed being in an environment that is elevated, with simple living and a lovely group of people.”
Alexandra Sousa says she benefited from workshops held by Yasodhara Yoga teacher, Jovita Oliveira in Portugal, so she chose to spend her holidays from her law practice at the Ashram. “I decided to take time to reflect about important things in my life. For me, English is difficult. Yet I found the group very warm, and we spoke the same language when we talked about feelings.”
Olga De Larranaga of Columbia heard about Yasodhara Ashram from Vancouver friends. “Arriving at the Ashram is like coming to a paradise. Columbia is similar, with the vegetation and flowers. It teaches me I need to take care of my country. I also learned to listen and open my heart and be grateful. I want to come back someday.”
This 10-Days of Yoga course also included people from the US, Canada and originating from Australia and England. The Ashram welcomes people of all ages and backgrounds. Come for your own experience of the 10 Days of Yoga scheduled for October 13-23.
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