Internships at Yasodhara Ashram are spiritual and career/life development opportunities. This year the program expanded to include positions in accommodations, garden/orchard, grounds and kitchen/preserving kitchen.
Molly Askey-Goldsbury of England liked balancing two internships – garden and kitchen – during her seven-month stay. Her study focus in the kitchen was sourdough culture and artisanal methods of breadmaking. Her garden study project was seed saving.
“Both projects have many steps and can’t be rushed, helping me to cultivate patience,” Molly commented. “Selecting and saving seeds for the future mirrors the Ashram process of choosing qualities I want to nurture in myself,” she realized. She also liked the potential of “developing a relationship with the heritage seeds and sharing them with others in the region.”
“Molly made a significant contribution,” notes Food Flow Manager Paris Marshall Smith. “Her curiosity and willingness to engage offered strong leadership, innovation and depth to our food flow operation.” Chef Steve Kruse agrees. “Her project with sourdough cultures has added a healthy and tasty dimension to the diet of the Ashram.”
We are grateful for the enthusiasm of Molly and the other interns, and appreciate the learning they shared in their presentations so far: Bryn Bamber – leadership (garden); Penelope Griggs – sugar-reduced jamming (preserving kitchen) and inventory systems (accommodations); Rachelle Premack – chickens (garden). More to come!
Curious about an internship at the Ashram? See what the current opportunities are.
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