Three generations of the Huston family attended Family Week, July 9-13, and stayed in the newly renovated cottage, Parvati.
Longtime Yasodhara Yoga teacher Barbara Huston of Lethbridge gave Family Week as a gift to her daughter Megan Huston of Victoria and her two children, and to her daughter-in-law Ana Huston of Seattle and her three girls. The children’s aunt, Ruth Campbell from Summerland, rounded out the clan.
“This is all about reconnection,” said Megan who grew up surrounded by Ashram supporters. “It’s connection with my family, the teachings, teachers and with myself.”
“My intention was to bring my family who have been held by the Light forever and have them experience it themselves,” Barbara reflected. This was Ana’s family’s first visit to the Ashram.
They all agreed that Parvati “is a wonderful family space.” Each family had its own bedroom and bathroom. They admired the openness and attention to detail, including the deity family statue of Siva, Parvati and Ganesh in the fireplace’s tiny alcove.
Barbara, Megan and Ruth are Yoga Development Course (YDC) graduates and can’t imagine life without it. “The YDC makes relationships easier, particularly with children,” commented Ruth, whose daughter first visited the Ashram at age five. Ana feels she has “already benefited from the YDC” through her relationship with her incredible relatives.
The women set off to their own homes in four directions, yet with their heart connection stronger than ever.
See our Facebook stream for daily Family Week photo galleries. Families are welcome anytime!
And check out the renewed interior of Parvati, ready for more guests.
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