Benedict Pfeiffer is an astrophysicist from Vancouver. Her life of teaching, parenting, caring for aging parents and writing a book left her exhausted. She looked to the Ashram’s Artist & Professional Renewal retreat to help her re-centre.
My plan was to write a book but my first priority was to recharge. If there was energy or time left, I would start thinking about the book.
As an astronomer, I am always looking at the sky. Something I missed the most was the connection with the ground. I found that energy here. This place is all about Mother Nature. She’s speaking from every corner.
Everything about the retreat spoke to my book, especially the presence of women here, with strong feminine energies. It’s very empowering and healing. Also the food – so much love in the food. Within 48 hours I was on my feet. I was inspired. In ten days I finished my first draft.
The retreat is a good balance between the body, mind and emotions. When I wrote, my mind was clear. I could listen to my intuition rather than my logical thinking. That’s why the ideas and writing came so quickly. There was a flow.
I very much believe in what we call “resonance” in physics. Like a musical instrument, a tiny vibration is amplified because there is a resonance between the frequency of the sound box and the musical note. That’s how I felt – like the sound could flow, slow down, and I could hear even the tiniest vibrations.
Are you interested in an Artist or Professional Retreat? Learn more about Retreats at Yasodhara Ashram.
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