The Ashram is in a remote area vulnerable to frequent power outages and at the far end of a single line power grid. The Renewable Energy Hub recently purchased a Generac Propane Generator – one of several that the Ashram needs to be ready in the event of power outages. The generator will automatically kick-in and provide power to the water pumps located in the lake. This ensures continuous water supply during power outages and frees up the Emergency Response Team to focus on other priorities.
The Renewable Hub plans to continually update and activate solutions that contribute to our practice of environmentally responsible living. Next on the project list are photovoltaic energy for Parvati, upgrading the telephone system for emergency service needs, and installing wood stoves in select locations to sustainably use waste wood.
Building on our environmental commitment, we are researching more renewable energy sources in response to the challenges of global warming. Learn more about alternative energy solutions in the recently published “Guide to Eastshore Energy Sources“, authored by Eva Snyder, a YDC graduate and former karma yogi. Help the Ashram realize its innovative energy solutions.
Please contribute to the Ashram’s Renewable Energy projects.