It has been nine years since my departure from the Yoga Development Course. Writing every day in the YDC instilled confidence in me as a First Nations, particularly as a first generation English speaker whose parents are residential school survivors. Since 2004 this confidence helped me complete an English Literature BA and to write my first book about the grandmothers who taught me the dance that I share as a Jingle Dress dancer. The inspiration to write our women’s stories came during one of my satsang moments.
Currently I live and work in Edmonton, which has the second highest rate of Aboriginal population in Canada. I work at the school with the highest population of Aboriginal students. When I was hired, the school administrator let me know that regardless of the accolades on my resume, it was the YDC training that captured her interest in retaining me.
I have been truly blessed to be with over 300 children from K-6, who now know the Mountain pose, Cat pose, Eagle pose and other asanas. My care for these students brought me back to the Ashram for spring rejuvenation-to recall that creativity spirit so I can continue my study with the same devotion.
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